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About Xcala
XCALA, the Latin American Association of Angels Investors, is a non-profit organization that aims to promote investment in early stages throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, so that more entrepreneurs can raise capital and thus, be able to take their businesses to the next levels of development.
USD investments
# deals
# angel networks
# investors

XCALA Summit is the largest annual angel investment event in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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XCALA Academy is the learning and knowledge division for entrepreneurship and investment,
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XCALA Research is the division committed to conduct different studies about entrepreneurship and early stage financing.
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XCALA Investment has the goal of bringing more and better opportunities to investors.
Learn more...Angel investment
Angel investment is the injection of capital made by individuals in startups or companies that are in the early stages of their life cycle, usually in exchange of shares of the company.
Investment tickets are usually in the order of USD 30,000 to USD 250,000, and in some cases may be greater than this.
These investments are high risk associated with high returns.
To mitigate this risk to investors and avoid giving up too much shares on a very early stage of the life cycle, ventures usually structure the fundraising strategy in several rounds.
Regional events
Information and recourses
