Official opening

Welcome by IDB Lab authorities

Remarks on the Global Entrepreneurship of the Angel Investment Activity Monitor

Guest speaker: Madi Sharma

Guest speaker: Susana García-Robles, BID Lab, Washington

Panel – The great potential of women entrepreneurs: three soryes from the region

Moderator: Susana García-Robles, BID Lab, Washington

Guest speakers: Pía Garat (Eolo Pharma, Uruguay), Agustina Jait (Tu VideoCV, Argentina), Juliana Villalba (Rebus, Colombia)

Presentation of the competition

Pitch competition | First round

Guest speaker: Alejandro Cremades

Moderator: Diego Pereira (Banca Ética, Uruguay)

Guest speakers: Daniela Romay (Oikocredit, Uruguay), Viviana Angulo (Valhalla Private Capital, Bolivia), Fernando Chuit (Celeris Impact Fund – Grupo Pegasus, Argentina)

Transfer to Zonamerica

Networking cocktail – Celebra Building