XCALA Research is the division committed to conduct different studies about entrepreneurship and early stage financing. One of the main assessments carried out by Xcala is the Angel Activity Monitor, which has managed to position itself as a source of knowledge and information that is instrumental for better decision-making in angel networks, angel investors, entrepreneurs, and public policy actors.
Angel Activity Monitor
The Angel Activity Monitor is a regional study that asses general information, statistics and data of interest of the angel activity in LAC. It is used to analyze trends, measure the impact and efficiency of different strategies that are implemented and to identify opportunities for improvement. It represents an extremely useful tool for angel network managers to compare their activity with other networks in the region, understand their business model and its investors and entrepreneurs’ profile. As well, it’s helps investors and entrepreneurs obtain new learnings and stay updated of the latest drivers and trends of the activity. Finally, for public organizations, it is an excellent tool to identify potential interventions to promote entrepreneurial and investment activity and measure their results. The angel activity monitor has been published without interruption for the last 5 years and has been a reference in the region regarding angel activity.